18 March 2022

About 70 job vacancies open at Titan-Polymer

At the moment there are about 70 open positions in different fields, said Natalia Lykova, head of HR department of Titan-Polymer Ltd.

"Today we have about 70 job vacancies in different fields: worker, engineers, technicians and other professionals. The plant guarantees formal employment and stable wages, and beside this has its own staff shuttle service. The average take-home pay of the employees, excluding the management, is more than 40 thousand rubles", said Lykova.

You can get more information about the open vacancies by HR-manager Julia at +7-911-880-11-58, by e-mail: hr.tp@titan-group.ru or at the address: Pskov, Lenina str. 17, room 202.

Due to new developments Titan-Polymer plant will willingly consider job candidates from the LPR and the DPR.

In accordance with the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 349 from 12.03.2022 Pskov region is ready to receive about 700 refugees from the LPR, the DNR and Ukraine. Our neighbor, the Leningrad region, will receive 520 people, and the Novgorod region will receive 87 people. Volunteer center #WeAreTogether is deeply involved in supporting of evacuees.

Press service